Romance Writer’s Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week we have been asked the question, “What self care activities do you enjoy? That’s an easy one for me–anything that gets me out in nature. Whether it’s a long walk with my dog, planting flowers, working in my garden, or just sitting on my patio in the warm sunshine. Just being outside always brightens my mood. But my favorite self-care activity is getting on a horse and riding. There’s nothing like it to take your mind off of any and all problems. Especially, if I’m lucky enough to be riding in the Colorado mountains. Just being around horses calms me even if I can’t ride. Feeding them, brushing them, just interacting with them is the best self-care ever! What do you do to take care of yourself? Now hop on over to PG Forte’s blog and see what self-care activities she enjoys at and check out her romance below:

Going to the Chapel An Oberon/LA Love Lessons Crossover Novella

In Waiting For The Big One, Gabby and Derek went from being friends to being lovers. Now, they’re waiting for their “big day”. But will it be the wedding of their dreams? Or a bride’s worst nightmare? A quick trip to Gabby’s hometown turns into the wedding from hell when Gabby and Derek are plagued by hailstorms, lost reservations, voracious goats, angry bees and enough family drama to fill a barn.

It’s the first week of spring and the perfect time to get your copy of Montana Pines Spring Forward. Available on Amazon in ebook, paperback, hardcover and audio formats at

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

Tomorrow is the first day of spring, and boy am I ready 🙂 A few pansies are already blooming in my yard, a sure sign that warm weather is on its way. Today, we have been asked the question-Do you ever feel like giving up on writing? If so, what motivates you to keep going? I do sometimes feel like giving up, usually when I get my monthly paycheck and it’s frustrating that I’m not making more from all my effort. It’s also frustrating when my income goes up and down with no apparent reason, and just when I think I’ve figured out a marketing strategy, the rules change, and I fall behind. Those are my low moments. But then I remember how much I love what I do. Writing is more than a career for me, it’s my passion. I love to write feel good stories. And I think about all the readers who’ve let me know that I inspire them or give them hope. That makes it all worth it-making a difference in this world. So what if I’m not rich? Money isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Now hop on over to Leslie Hachtel’s blog and see if she ever feels like giving up at and check out her novel below at

What would you do if you could go back in time to find your soulmate? For Skye Blaine, the answer is clear: she would do whatever it takes to be with the one she loves. Follow her as she travels through time in search of her heart’s desire, finding that the path to true love is never easy, but always worth it. Will she find her happy ending? This page-turning story of love, sacrifice, and courage is sure to captivate and inspire. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable journey through time!

Have you read my latest release, The Boy in the Pink Convertible? If not, get your copy on Amazon today at

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

Today we have been asked “What is your favorite scent and does it help in your work? There are so many scents in different areas of our lives. I love the scents of lavender and jasmine, and when I cook I love the scent of cinnamon and vanilla, but I think my favorite scents are those in nature. There’s nothing like being up in the mountains and the scent of pine trees or sagebrush. Every season has it’s own wonderful scent, whether it’s the falling leaves in fall, the smell of snow in the winter, the scents of azaleas ands lilacs in the spring or roses and other flowers during summer. But I think my favorite scent of all is the scent of a horse barn-the combined fragrance of hay and horses and leather saddles. There’s nothing like it. Do I use scents in my writing? Of course, I do. Since I write western romances, describing the scents on mountain ranches help paint the scenery for my readers to enjoy. Now hop on over to Jenna Da Sie’s blog and see what scents she likes at

Also, if you haven’t already, get your copy of my new release, The Boy in the Pink Convertible now at It released last week and is getting rave reviews so far 🙂

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

The week the question is-Do you have a favorite board game or card game you like to play? This was a hard one for me because I live alone so don’t have anyone to play these games with. I guess I could play solitaire, but when would I find the time? I do like jigsaw puzzles, but once again, it’s hard to find the time to do them. When my kids were growing up, I did buy a new game every Christmas, as a family present, and we always enjoyed playing it. Some were better than others. I always liked games that took some thought like Scrabble. (Obviously, I’m a writer so I like words) Speaking of words, my latest novel, The Boy in the Pink Convertible, is now available for pre-order at

Now hop on over to Jenna Da Sie’s blog and see what games she likes to play at

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week we have been asked- What food couldn’t you live without? I had to think about this one. It has changed over the years, as I’ve gotten older and try to eat more healthy. At one time, I would have said Mac and Cheese, or Steak, or even cookies. All things which I have had to cut down on in my diet. I guess today, my answer would be my morning smoothie. I came up with it five of six years ago when I had some digestive issues. Anyway it consists of 100% unsweetened fruit juice, plain greek yogurt, a banana, spinach, lemon juice and ice. It’s the one thing I eat that’s totally healthy. I drink it each and everyday first thing when I get up and I have to say, it’s really tasty. It’s become such a habit, that I really miss it when I travel and don’t have the ingredient’s available. And I don’t feel as good either. My dog and my grandkids also love it and beg for me to share when they are here. So that’s it for me. Now jump on over to Jenna Da Sie’s blog and see what she cant live without at

Romance Writer’s Weekly #lovechatwrite

Happy New Year everyone. I’m back after some time off for the holidays, and then I got sick. I never get sick, so to be down for almost two weeks with some kind of crud was excruciating. I’m not sure if I had Covid or the Flu or some other respiratory virus, but whatever it was, it kicked my butt for awhile. Anyway, I’m back and this week’s topic is- Pick a one word affirmation for this year. Tell us why you chose it. This was an easy one for me because I pick a word every year. In the past, I’ve picked words like determination, motivation, and acceptance, but this year I picked something a little different. I picked wonder. My two and four year old grandkids were at my home for four days over Christmas. It was so precious to see their joy and wonder over everything. From the presents, to the lights, to my Christmas train set and village. It’s something we all have as children but seem to lose as we grow older. When was the last time you sat in wonder or awe of anything? I couldn’t remember when I’d had that joy. And there’s so many things in our world, big and small, if we take the time to look for them. It could be a colorful sunset, the first snowfall of the season, a kind act of a friend or stranger. There are so many things I should stare at in wonder every day, and I probably miss most of them in my busyness. So, this year, I picked wonder, to remind myself to stop and appreciate the simple joys of life each and every day. What is your word this year? Once you’ve found one, hop on over to Leslie Hachtel’s blog and see what her word is at and check out our books below:

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week we have been asked to write a short fan fiction using the words pumpkin spice, ghost, and costume so here goes: I frowned as I peered in the mirror through the two small holes I’d cut in the white sheet that draped over my entire body. Did I look like a ghost or just a 70 year old lady under a sheet? Probably the latter. I hadn’t been to a costume party on Halloween in years, but my friends Megan and Tom had insisted I come to theirs. I even climbed up into my attic and opened an old, dusty box marked COSTUMES. There was my sexy cat, sexy devil, and sexy witch costumes from my 20’s and 30’s. Nope, I wouldn’t be wearing any of them, so I went with a sheet. At least no one would know me under my ridiculous getup. I walked into the party, intending to say hi to Megan and make my escape as quickly as possible. I walked over to a table in far corner of the room and poured a cup of punch. “Boo!” The deep voice behind me almost caused me to spill the red liquid down my white sheet. I turned to see a man dressed in a costume almost identical to mine. “Last minute idea?” he asked. I laughed. “Yep. You, too?” “Me? I wear this every year.” We both laughed. I didn’t recognize his voice. “Well. I’m just here because Megan insisted.” “Yeah. Tom did the same with me.” Throughout my feeble attempt to mingle and make casual conversations, I always ended up back in his company. He was pleasant and seemed to be a kindred spirit not only in the way we were dressed. After an hour passed, and I’d made sure that Megan knew I’d made and appearance, I seized my chance and quietly floated out the front door. I was almost to my car when I heard the door open and shut behind me. Had Megan discovered my departure and come to drag me back inside? “You didn’t say goodbye,” the deep voice rang out. “Do you like pumpkin spice?” It seemed like a strange question, but I turned, “Yes, doesn’t everyone?” “Good. Would you like to meet me at Starbucks in the morning? I’ll buy you a latte.” I hesitated. I had no idea who was under that sheet and for that matter, he didn’t know who I was either. I should say no, but what the heck? “Sure, how about 8:00.?” “8:00 it is, see you then.” I started to get in my car. Wait. “How will I know you?” I hoped he would take off his sheet. “I’ll be the tall guy with silver hair, not wearing a sheet. You?” I laughed. “I won’t be wearing one either.” I smiled as I drove away. This would be interesting. If he ghosted me it would be a good story, if not, who knew, maybe next year, he’d come as my Prince Charming.

Now hop on over to Leslie Hachtel’s blog to read her story at and check out her time travel novel, Come Back to Me.

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week I have been asked to write about an author who has influenced my writing. That’s a hard question to answer in a paragraph or two. There are so many. There are the NYT best-selling authors who I read extensively and admired from near and far. There are all the wonderful authors in my local writing group. There are all of the authors I’ve met at writing conferences and ones I’ve met in various online groups, some of whom I consider friends but have never met in person (like the lovely ladies in this Romance Writers’ Weekly group). But maybe the one who’s influenced my writing the most is my long time critique partner, Cassidy Wells. We met in an online class ten years ago, and have read each and every word the other has written all of these years. I don’t know how I would have done this job without her. She cheers me on when my writing is good, and kindly points out when it’s awful! I can’t imagine writing without her. Sadly we’ve never met (I don’t know if we ever will because we live on opposite sides of the country, but she is a forever friend. We’ve grown to know each other so well over the years. Here’s to many more! Now hop on over to PG Forte’s blog and see who has influenced her writing at Speaking of PG Forte, just like me she has a new release. Check it out below.

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week we have been asked to answer the following: Writing can be a lonely business. Share how you stay connected. Do you have an in-person writers group? Or chat with other writers on social media? Share your experiences. I am very fortunate to have belonged to an amazing author group, Front Ranger Christian Fiction Writers for the past twelves. The other amazing authors in this group have become my close friends. We meet once per month, in person, to inspire, and encourage each other as well as work on our craft. During the pandemic we continued to meet via zoom, until it was safe to meet in person again. I know I would not be where I am in my writing career today, without these amazing people in my life. In addition to that, I have stayed in touch with many other authors whom I’ve met at various writer conferences, and have made many author friends in various online and social media groups, including this Romance Writers’ Weekly one 🙂 It may be a lonely business, but it’s something I couldn’t do alone. Now hop on over to Brenda Margriet’s blog and see how she stays in touch at

And just to let you know, Brenda and I both have new releases you don’t want to miss. My new Christmas romance released last week, and Brenda’s new romance releases this week. You can buy them at the following links: and

Romance Writers’ Weekly #lovechatwrite

This week we have been asked to: Write today’s blog as one of your characters. Have them introduce themselves, share their hobbies, interests, what they think of other characters, etc.

“Hi, my name is Belle Brooks, and I’m sixty years young. Along with my son, Ryder, I own and operate the Pine Mountain Horse Ranch in the beautiful Montana Pine Mountains. I love it here, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Although, I live with my son, his wife, and their two small children, sometimes life can get a bit lonely since I’ve buried two husbands. Especially, around the holidays. Don’t you just love the Christmas season! If only, I could get Ryder to slow down long enough to put up our Christmas lights! I was going to do it myself, but he caught me on a ladder the other day and demanded that I get down. I wasn’t going to fall. Anyway, this stranger, Bart Stockton, showed up looking for work. He looked down and out so I hired him to hang the lights. It’s Christmas and the season of giving, after all. And there was just something about him… Under his long hair and beard, I could sense a kind soul, and those light blue eyes, swoon. Anyway, if you want to find out what happens next, get your copy of Christmas in the Montana Pines, now at Amazon.

Now hop on over to Brenda Margriet’s blog and hear from one of her characters at